Saturday, January 26, 2013

The glass is always full.

We have always heard the cliche that an "optimist" views the glass half full; a "pessimist" views the glass half empty.

However, a search last week on Pinterest led me to a graphic and quote that said: "The glass is ALWAYS full."  The diagram had a picture of a glass with 1/2 water. The other 1/2 was air. And I believe this view.

Hope is always important in life.  Positive thoughts yield positive results.  And I must say I am so proud of my parents for understanding the truth, exploring the facts, and remaining faithful through my dad's diagnosis.

I am not going to disclose much in a public place like this.  If you feel compelled to ask, then please don't shy away -- I would love to share his story!  But neither is this the right avenue, nor the right time.

But what I do feel comfortable telling you all is that while he has a diagnosis, which was scary for us initially, he is doing well.  He does not "look" sick, he does not "feel" sick.  He is still the same (hyper)active man that he was just 2 months ago, and a year ago, and even 3 years ago!  It has allowed all of us, though, to evaluate what is important a little more deeply.

For me, personally, it has given me more courage to pursue my own dreams.  If he can do this with such a fighting spirit, then I can muster up enough strength to face the reality that I might be across the country from my parents in just a few months.  And that I can survive it.

The interview process has been such a rush.  I was granted interviews from a few of my dream institutions.  These were programs I thought about NOT applying to, because the first thoughts to myself were "they will never consider me for an interview."  I remember sitting with one of the peds neurologists that I worked with in September, a nervous wreck in her office, as I asked her, "What if I don't get any interviews? What if I don't match?!"

After that time, I was humbled.  I was offered interviews at 20 institutions, a near impossible task to fulfill when pediatric neurology interviews often span over 2 days!  I was lucky to be able to decline several interviews, be a little more picky on what regions I preferred, what type of hospital was important for me.

And now, I am going into March with the attitude that Pinterest has evoked in me: to remember that "the glass is always full."  If one opportunity falls through, then another will present itself.  I have done my part, and now I must remain faithful that life will happen as it is meant to.  I cannot control each and every detail of my life.  All I can control is my attitude towards whatever comes my way, just as my mother, father, and brother have done the last couple months.

I haven't been able to blog for quite some time.  The interview trail has kept me running to and from airports.  During the days that I do manage to be in Michigan, my time is spent with family and friends here.  But I do hope that you all find yourselves enjoying the first month of 2013!!  I have a feeling it's going to be a great year :)

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